Thursday, September 29, 2022

Two Delaware Restaurant Rivalries

In Delaware, people take their food seriously. Some types of food and cuisine are accepted for what they are. Other types, however, provoke a rabid response when discussed and, depending on with whom you are chatting, those responses will vary.

Two of the largest rivalries in the state are a pair of sub shops and a pair of Italian restaurants. I decided to find out for myself if I preferred one over the other or if I was going to be that rare Delawarean who remains neutral.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Restaurant Review: Red, White and Basil

I was very excited to try this restaurant as it is owned by the people who run Eden and Jam, both excellent restaurants in downtown Rehoboth. There has been a lot of chatter about how good it is, so I went in with high expectations for a good meal. I wanted it to be fabulous.