For such a tiny town in such a tiny state, Port Penn has an enormous amount of history. As I explored the area, I was surprised by how rich this town's past is. Even better, the town is doing everything it can to preserve it.
The Dutch had a settlement here as far back as 1640. They managed to hold onto it even after the English took over the Dutch colonies. In 1682, William Penn stopped here for some water and the settlers were so honored that they named their settlement Port Penn.
By the 1760s, the town had been taken over by David Stewart who decided he was going to build a port city to rival Philadelphia. Unfortunately, the railway bypassed the town as did the subsequent canal. By the 1830s, this town had become a farm community as well as a fishing village.
Over the years, the inhabitants survived by living off the land, hunting, fishing, and trapping. It wasn't until the 1960s that the people who live here started looking outside the town for jobs. Now, it is a community that prides itself on its past and will proudly show you why.